Hitting the road

Hitting the road

You would like to work as a truck driver, but where? In a world with a lot of transporting companies, which company is suitable for you? At Reining we understand that making that decision can be tough. That is why we would like to introduce our company. To offer you a great image of our organization, colleagues and all the things we have to offer. And who can explain better that our own Reining drivers? This time Jan Meems, truck driver in heart and soul. 

Jan, can you tell us, when did you decide to start a career as a truck driver?
I knew I wanted to become a driver at a pretty young age. Mainly because my father was a truck driver. As a little boy I joined him on a lot of trips. Although I started as a chef, I discovered pretty fast that a job in between four walls was not for me. So as soon as I got my driver’s license I started working as a driver. First with some little trucks, later on I got the opportunity to drive the big boys. I have been a Reining employee since 2004 and I still enjoy the work.

What was the reason why you decided to join Reining?
Twenty five years ago my employer was a company who worked for Reining. When that company stopped, I could start at Reining immediately. It was a period where there was little work, so I was very happy that I could start. Reining is a great company. They take care of everything.

You are happy at Reining for twenty four years. What makes it such a good employer?
As I said, everything is taken care of. And I like my activities. I am not only a driver, I’m also a mentor. I check if the loading and unloading goes correctly for new partners. And try to make sure that I can help and give advice wherever I can. Next to that, I own multiple diplomas, which makes it possible for me to also drive the biggest trucks of 25 meters and hop on a forklift truck every now and then. At Reining everyone gets the opportunity to specialize themselves. Not all colleagues grab that opportunity, but it is there. And that is how you keep it fun. Yes, sometimes, especially on the forklift it can be cold. But Reining offers great winter clothing. And when something brakes, they make sure that it’s getting fixed immediately. Are you having trouble with some personal situations? Reining will try to see what they can do to help. It’s a really social employer.

No company is perfect. Does that also apply to Reining?
Unfortunately, yes. Reining is a big company. That makes it difficult to get some acknowledgment. And I think that’s indispensable for an organization. I can take care of myself pretty well. I’ll work extra without asking for it, but every now and then it’s nice to hear that you did a good job. And COVID was a pain in the ass. Obviously we were barely at the office and you don’t get to spend as much time with your coworkers. But at Reining they know it’s important to stay in touch with everybody. Occasionally we sit down and the drivers get the opportunity to share their thoughts and offer their insights. I am one of the representatives for the drivers group and I’m glad that we have these meetings and that we can share our voice.

In the past, many foreign drivers were signed. What was your response?
I found it very unfortunate. It was many, many years ago, in a period of time where a lot of competition came from foreign companies. Right now, in the entire country, every company has trouble finding domestic drivers. That’s why companies have no choice but to hire internationals. 

What is Reining doing to give their image a boost? And what are your experiences?
Near Venlo, there recently opened a new location for the drivers to use on the weekends. They can cook, sleep, shower and relax. Reining has multiple of these accommodations in Holland and Germany. We already had those, but now we are telling people about it. Making it more known, so people know how work at Reining is. That could help, because people often forget what a good employer Reining is.

Reining has many drivers. But not enough. What would you like to tell all drivers who are thinking about working at Reining?
Are you flexible and eager to work hard? Don’t doubt and join Reining. It’s a social and good employer. Come and find out for yourself. 

Interested in working at Reining? Fill out the contactform below or send a motivation letter and resume at jobs@reining.eu

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